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Export listings

You can export listing data from the MLS and then use it in various third-party products.

From any search criteria page (Standard, Hotsheet, Map, etc.)

  1. Enter your search criteria.
  2. Click the Exports button in the MLS toolbar.
  3. From the Listing Export Option field, choose an export type.
  4. Click the Submit button in the MLS toolbar.

NOTE: This method allows you to export more listings than can be searched for based on the search results limits. For example, if you run a search before clicking the Exports button, you may only be able to export up to 250 listings (depending on the limits set in your MLS). However, search limits do not apply when you run the export directly from a search criteria page.

From any search results, or other display of listings

  1. Select the listings you want to export.
  2. Click the Exports button in the MLS toolbar.
  3. From the Listing Export Option field, choose an export type.
  4. Click the Submit button in the MLS toolbar

To export the listings in a Caravan

  1. From the Listings menu, select Caravan.
  2. Select a caravan, then click the Exports button in the MLS toolbar.
  3. Select the listings you want to export.
  4. Click the Export.button in the MLS toolbar.
  5. From the Listing Export Option field, choose an export type.
  6. Click the Submit button in the MLS toolbar.

TIP: View the video tutorial entitled "Custom Listing Exports" on the Learning Center for a quick overview of this feature. The Learning Center can also be accessed directly from the Help menu.

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